All clinics are 7pm for a 7.15pm start.
T-ball - Tuesday 2nd October - Venue TBA
Beginner - Tuesday 9th October - Venue TBA
Beginner - Wednesday 10th October - Venue TBA
Intermediate - Tuesday 16th October - Venue TBA
Advanced - Wednesday 24th October - Venue TBA
Statistics - Tuesday 30th October - Venue TBA
Clinics are free and open to all Scorers. Bring along scoring pencils.
Scoring Accreditation Level 1 Accreditation is open to anyone who has completed the Advanced Scoring Clinic or has considerable experience.
Level 1 dates are Tuesday Nights, 7pm for a 7.15pm start, November 6th, 13th, 20th, 27th. Exam will be held on December 4th. All clinic dates must be attended. Venue TBA Level 2 Accreditation is open to anyone that has a current Level 1 Accreditation.
Level 2 dates are Wednesday Nights, 7pm for a 7.15pm start, November 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th. Exam will be held on December 5th. All clinic dates must be attended. Venue TBA
Accreditations will only go ahead if there is enough Scorers registering interest. To register for a Scoring clinic or Accreditation clinic, please email Jeanette Irwin at jeanette.irwin@bigpond.com or by SMS 0416172018.